Are you ready to revamp your health routine, and finally get the results you want?

You can look and feel your best WITHOUT diets or deprivation.

If you're feeling:

  • exhausted mid-afternoon, craving sugar and sweets
  • dependent on caffeine to make it through the day
  • moody and sometimes irritable
  • like you could be a more vibrant and energetic version of yourself
  • like what has always worked for you isn't working anymore
  • defeated by diet culture and ready for something more sustainable

This is your sign to stop looking, and start taking action. Let's get to the root cause of your body's needs and solve it, once and for all.

Join us for 21 Days of Healthy Habits, starting January 8th.


Vibrant health starts with foundations. Learn how to support your body in a way that you can maintain for the long haul. 

We start in...









Price increases on January 1

Lock in your Early Bird rate today

I want to change my life!

What does 21  Days of Healthy Habits include?

  • A 21-day action plan focused on necessary health foundations that meet you where you are in your real, busy life. We'll focus on a habit each day, with tips on how to implement it into your routine. 
    • We'll get to the root cause of hormonal and sleep issues, and equip you with a plan to get your energy and your health back!
  • Full strength plans and bonus workout videos to help you embrace and ENJOY healthy movement and activity
  • A full meal guide and recipe pack to accelerate your results and empower you with sustainable, effective changes that will last a lifetime
  • Exclusive online community to connect and stay accountable with women just like you
  • Mobile-friendly platform where you can check in each day, read additional articles and resources, and receive accountability, right from your phone

Hi, I'm Gina Harney.

I'm a NASM-certified Personal Trainer and Women's Fitness specialist, Precision Nutrition coach, Level Two Integrative Health Practitioner, an author ("HIIT It!" and "HIIT for Women"), the founder of, and the voice behind the Healthy In Real Life podcast.

I've also been on my own health journey over the past 15 years, and in healing myself, I'm thrilled to share everything I've learned with others.

I've dealt the hormone imbalances, crippling anxiety, mood swings, crushing fatigue, PMS, and weight loss resistance/inflammation. I feel amazing now... and want that for you, too!! 

I'm here to help you get on a path you can maintain, build back health foundations, and take your routine to the next level in a sustainable, realistic way. No deprivation, no eliminating food groups, no more wondering what and how to eat. You'll have a clear action plan to support your health.

I've helped thousands of women all over the world experience muscle gains, fat loss, increased energy, confidence, more enjoyment from their fitness routines, a positive mindset, and balanced, happy hormones.

Let's get this party started. We have work to do!


I really do feel like I'm seeing positive changes! I wanted to thank you for all of your support. I think this coaching is exactly what I needed and it's amazing to see changes in measurements/how clothes fit, but also how I feel and seeing my strength improve, etc. 




Ready to get started?

Click below to kick-start your new routine that will change your body, your mindset, and your life!

Sign up here - price increases Monday

Frequently Asked Questions:

Imagine how it will feel when you...

  • Have strategic habits to focus on each week that will help you achieve your goals and you can sustain for the long haul
  • Have health foundations locked down in your routine, including mindful eating, hydration, toxin removal, mindset, movement, sleep, and stress management
  • Have the support of your own motivation fairy and coach, cheering for your success
  • Feel energized and EXCITED about your routine, instead of overwhelmed and drained 
Lock in Your Spot Now!